The events of the twenty-five years surrounding Plutos discovery in 1930-such as Prohibition, the Great Depression, and the explosive beginning of the Atomic Age-cemented in many astrologers minds the significance of this distant celestial body. However, as this original and insightful new book reveals, the common astrological wisdom regarding Pluto barely scratches the surface of what this planets motion through the Zodiac can tell us. Taking a fresh look at Plutos connection to events and people from 1945 to the present, Jim Traders thorough research and careful analysis has uncovered...
The events of the twenty-five years surrounding Plutos discovery in 1930-such as Prohibition, the Great Depression, and the explosive beginning of the...
Why does it seem like the more we think, the less we know? Why does the search for new horizons of the mind always bring us back to the ruins of the past? Is there really nothing new under the sun? In "Growing Past Kant," Jim Trader provides original and insightful answers to these questions. Through analyzing foundational work done in fields as diverse as philosophy, biology, physics, psychology, and economics, this scholarly tour de force reveals a very specific mental process that underlies how we understand our world. Tracing its development in Western philosophy, this process of...
Why does it seem like the more we think, the less we know? Why does the search for new horizons of the mind always bring us back to the ruins of the p...