Have you ever wondered if God is real? I am a true witness that God is real. I was not looking for God when He called me. My life had been on a continual downward spiral for almost twenty years. Drug abuse was a way of life, and I did not see a way out. I had driven everyone who cared about me away. That has all changed now, and it can happen for you too God really is there, just waiting for you to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. He will show you a new way, one day at a time. I believe reading this book will give many a new hope for a real future. God has shown me that the...
Have you ever wondered if God is real? I am a true witness that God is real. I was not looking for God when He called me. My life had been on a contin...
"Where is the Church was written to help believers come to understand how to access the promises God made in the Bible for this life on Earth. It has been my experience in life that these principles work and you can know that God loves you
"Where is the Church was written to help believers come to understand how to access the promises God made in the Bible for this life on Earth. It has ...