Written by tennis teaching professional, Marcus Paul Cootsona. Occam's Racquet focuses on the twelve most important parts of the physical and mental games of tennis. No matter what strokes you use, the ideas in here will make you the most effective player you can be.
Written by tennis teaching professional, Marcus Paul Cootsona. Occam's Racquet focuses on the twelve most important parts of the physical and mental g...
Fifty-nine year-old Atherton tennis teaching pro and family man Wally Wilson won the 2011 U.S. Open behind 250 mph serves and a timely disqualification, and was promptly banned from professional tennis. Two years later, Wally is picked to play Davis Cup, framed for stealing a Dutch masterwork, and hunted by obsessive-compulsive Mounties. There goes his nap.
Fifty-nine year-old Atherton tennis teaching pro and family man Wally Wilson won the 2011 U.S. Open behind 250 mph serves and a timely disqualificatio...