Cette thA]se s'intA(c)resse aux interactions perceptivo-motrices dans le cadre d'actions intentionnelles visuellement guidA(c)es, lorsque l'on manipule la cohA(c)rence perceptive et les informations contextuelles de mouvement associA(c)e A l'objet visuel d'interaction. Il apparaA(R)t que la manipulation de la cohA(c)rence perceptive induit des biais diffA(c)rentiels sur les performances de conduite et de poursuite de cibles visuelles, ainsi que sur leur localisation spatiale, que la dA(c)cision soit effectuA(c)e par pointage manuel actif ou en situation passive de jugement catA(c)goriel. Les...
Cette thA]se s'intA(c)resse aux interactions perceptivo-motrices dans le cadre d'actions intentionnelles visuellement guidA(c)es, lorsque l'on manipul...
This volume of the Biostatistics and Health Sciences Set focuses on statistics applied to clinical research. The use of SAS for data management and statistical modeling is illustrated using various examples. Many aspects of data processing and statistical analysis of cross-sectional and experimental medical data are covered, including regression models commonly found in medical statistics. This practical book is primarily intended for health researchers with a basic knowledge of statistical methodology. Assuming basic concepts, the authors focus on the practice of biostatistical methods...
This volume of the Biostatistics and Health Sciences Set focuses on statistics applied to clinical research. The use of SAS for data management and...