Les sciences humaines et sociales dans le Pacifique Sud: est une introduction generale a l'etude des societes oceaniennes et un etat des lieux des recherches les plus avancees dans plusieurs disciplines, anthropologie, archeologie, linguistique, sciences de l'education, etudes des performances et sciences de l'environnement, ou les recherches francaises sont tres engagees. Les 19 contributions reparties en 5 themes - deplacement des frontieres, particularites oceaniennes, decolonisation des regards, gerer la biodiversite et souverainete et citoyennete - offrent des syntheses originales sur...
Les sciences humaines et sociales dans le Pacifique Sud: est une introduction generale a l'etude des societes oceaniennes et un etat des lieux des rec...
This handbook brings the principles of human kinship in general, and Australian Aboriginal kinship in particular, closer to the reader in an understandable and pedagogic way. Aimed at a large public, including anthropologists, the handbook is divided into four parts: the historical and ethnographic background of important concepts such as 'culture', 'hunter-gatherer societies' etc.; the basic tools and notions needed to understand kinship (terminology, marriage, descent and filiation); an ethnographic analysis of the Australian Western Desert kinship and notions such as 'family', 'household'...
This handbook brings the principles of human kinship in general, and Australian Aboriginal kinship in particular, closer to the reader in an understan...
This volume explores the new and multifaceted forms of resistance and resilience through which communities attempt to regain their original social, political, and economic status and structure after disruption or displacement.
This volume explores the new and multifaceted forms of resistance and resilience through which communities attempt to regain their original social, po...