This task is based on: "Linear-script A," Richard Kamm 2014, published on YouTube. The speech of the Discos is the same as the one written by Linear A, a branch of the large satem-european family that was spread in the Bronze Age all over the eastern area of the Mediterranean Sea. ---oOo--- Diese Arbeit basiert auf meiner Veroffentlichung: "Linear-Script-A" von 2014, auf YouTube. Die Sprache des Diskus ist die gleiche in der "Linear A" geschrieben wurde, ein Zweig der grossen satem-europaischen Familie, die sich in der Bronzezeit uber das ganze Gebiet des ostlichen Mittelmeers ausgebreitet...
This task is based on: "Linear-script A," Richard Kamm 2014, published on YouTube. The speech of the Discos is the same as the one written by Linear A...