Is your life simply fine, but hardly fantastic? When it comes to your daily existence, are you somewhat dissatisfied, while you dream of one that would make you truly gratified? Now, one of Australia's leading motivational experts, Andrew Batty, lays out the information and inspiration you need to get from a life that is at best acceptable to one that is truly exceptional. Born for This: The Journey to Becoming You, his easy to read guide to a greater life, will move you to tap into your true potential. It's certain to resonate with anyone who is less than enthused with his or her current lot...
Is your life simply fine, but hardly fantastic? When it comes to your daily existence, are you somewhat dissatisfied, while you dream of one that woul...
Are you satisfied with your current job or do you believe you have more to offer? Do you want to succeed in getting the job of your dreams? Do you first just want to get a job and get started? After over fifteen years of being directly responsible for employing staff for a major national organisation, I believe I have read almost every possible type of resume, asked or heard the majority of relevant and appropriate questions in interviews, and received the majority of answers to those questions. Added to this experience, I have been contracted by major organisations to both train their...
Are you satisfied with your current job or do you believe you have more to offer? Do you want to succeed in getting the job of your dreams? Do you fir...