Harry Duck and the Land of Milk and Honey is a new adventure tale from the author of Harry Duck's Big Day. When Harry Duck begins a quest around the ranch to look for land that is flowing with milk and honey, he meets a strange new character whose motives appear a little suspicious. Along the way, Harry renews his friendship with a songbird named Chipper. Harry and Chipper travel together hoping to find what each of them is seeking. Harry Duck and the Land of Milk and Honey helps us to see that sometimes the things we are looking for are taken for granted because they are right in front of...
Harry Duck and the Land of Milk and Honey is a new adventure tale from the author of Harry Duck's Big Day. When Harry Duck begins a quest around the r...
When Harry Duck begins a quest around the ranch to look for land that is flowing with milk and honey, he meets a strange new character whose motives appear a little suspicious. Along the way, Harry renews his friendship with a songbird named Chipper. Harry and Chipper travel together hoping to find what each of them is seeking. Harry Duck and the Land of Milk and Honey helps us to see that sometimes the things we are looking for are taken for granted because they are right in front of us. Maybe all it takes to reveal them is an encouraging word from a friend, or perhaps we have to begin a...
When Harry Duck begins a quest around the ranch to look for land that is flowing with milk and honey, he meets a strange new character whose motive...
Given the responsibility to take care of a new puppy, a little boy is reminded by his mama to be patient and forgiving as the puppy learns. But, one day after the puppy digs up some flowers, it is the little boy who must remind his mama to forgive. Boonedoggie is a heartwarming tale that reveals how the enthusiastic and unconditional love we give and receive from a new puppy is similar to the love God gives to each of us every day. God doesn't expect any of us to be perfect. He just wants us to be learn to be faithful and obedient-like Boonedoggie
Given the responsibility to take care of a new puppy, a little boy is reminded by his mama to be patient and forgiving as the puppy learns. But, one d...
Harry Duck is a curious little duck who has big ideas and big ambitions. He decides one day, thanks to the query of a good pal, that it is time for him to spread his wings and start flying. Harry leaves his friend and returns later after coming up with a plan to fly. He enthusiastically reveals his plan before a host of curious barnyard animals who suspect they know how things will end. What happens next could either be a triumphant success or a humbling setback. No matter what happens, Harry Duck will be the talk of the ranch. Harry Duck's Big Day is an encouraging tale that both children...
Harry Duck is a curious little duck who has big ideas and big ambitions. He decides one day, thanks to the query of a good pal, that it is time for hi...
When Harry Duck peeks outside to find that a storm is beginning to roll in, he takes his frustration to his papa. Harry doesn't like the rain, and doesn't want to play in it, so he feels like his plans for the day are ruined. Harry's papa then begins to relate the rainstorm to storms of life and explains how raindrops are really drops of grace that give life to everything on the ranch. He also teaches Harry how, just like a flower, faith too can grow stronger because of a storm.
When Harry Duck peeks outside to find that a storm is beginning to roll in, he takes his frustration to his papa. Harry doesn't like the rain, and doe...
Harry Duck is reluctant to play the drummer boy in a Christmas nativity until Sally Duck and Burly Bear give him an important lesson about the real meaning of Christmas. Harry learns that the greatest Christmas gift he could ever receive was already paid for and could never be purchased with all the riches in the world. This gift was delivered to earth long ago wrapped in swaddling clothes-not pretty paper and bows-then it was placed in a humble manger-not under a tree. A gift so valuable and so precious that is meant for everyone to open.
Harry Duck is reluctant to play the drummer boy in a Christmas nativity until Sally Duck and Burly Bear give him an important lesson about the real me...