The minstrel Gastel Etzwane lives in Shant -- a country of cantons, each independently dictating its own law and customs. The enforcement of law is simple, quick, and inevitable: death by decapitation, from an explosive torc clamped around each citizen's neck by authority of a single man -- the Anome. For millennia Anomes have ruled Shant, dealing death as they see fit -- and none dares defy them, until Gastel Etzwane risks his head to expose the Anome's identity -- and end the tyranny of these faceless men forever. - Jack King
On the fringes of the Gaean Reach, the cantons of Shant...
The minstrel Gastel Etzwane lives in Shant -- a country of cantons, each independently dictating its own law and customs. The enforcement of law is...