In The Time of His Life, the sequel to In the Nick of Time, Andy Mackpeace, on a class trip to the New Hampshire Historical Society, hears a dead boy calling to him from an old photograph of Camp Forest Hills taken in 1925: -Who killed me? I was murdered here.- Andy and his friend Miranda, once again using the incense sticks bequeathed by his grandmother, time travel back to the camp to solve the mystery. Andy becomes a camper while Miranda lands in the kitchen as one of the hired help. Unprepared for the evil that stalks there, the two travelers must race against time to discover the killer...
In The Time of His Life, the sequel to In the Nick of Time, Andy Mackpeace, on a class trip to the New Hampshire Historical Society, hears a dead boy ...
THE SCULPTURED ROCKS is set in Cape McAllister, New Hampshire, a small beach community infamous for its haunted Victorian homes and inns and taverns. Danny Buchanan is twelve years old, and while his father is Missing in Action in Vietnam, he and his artistic mom struggle to make ends meet. He has a paper route, a star spot on his baseball team, a best friend Tom, and a bully named Krenshaw who suddenly thinks the summer before Junior High is the best time to begin his torture. To resolve her financial woes, Dan's mother decides to host fictitious ghost tours in their Victorian home for the...
THE SCULPTURED ROCKS is set in Cape McAllister, New Hampshire, a small beach community infamous for its haunted Victorian homes and inns and taverns. ...