El ultimo hombre en la tierra es una novela apocaliptica de ciencia ficcion escrita por Mary Shelley, publicada por primera vez en 1826. El libro narra la historia de un mundo futurista que ha sido arrasado por una plaga. La novela fue criticada duramente en su epoca, y permanecio practicamente en el anonimato hasta que los historiadores la resucitaron en la decada de 1960. Es notable en parte por sus retratos semi-biograficos de figuras romanticas pertenecientes al circulo de Shelley, particularmente el esposo de Mary Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley y Lord Byron.
El ultimo hombre en la tierra es una novela apocaliptica de ciencia ficcion escrita por Mary Shelley, publicada por primera vez en 1826. El libro narr...
Frankenstein is a tale of suspense and sorrow. Shelley's masterpiece introduces the world to Victor Frankenstein's Monster, who yearns for love and acceptance from his creator. However, in his search for love and empathy, Frankenstein's Monster encounters man's xenophobia and hatred for things that are different, especially from the very scientist who created him.
Frankenstein is a tale of suspense and sorrow. Shelley's masterpiece introduces the world to Victor Frankenstein's Monster, who yearns for love and ac...
Of all the novels and stories which Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley left in manuscript, only one novelette, Mathilda, is complete. It exists in both rough draft and final copy. In this story, as in all Mary Shelley's writing, there is much that is autobiographical: it would be hard to find a more self-revealing work. For an understanding of Mary's character, especially as she saw herself, and of her attitude toward Shelley and toward Godwin in 1819, this tale is an important document. Although the main narrative, that of the father's incestuous love for his daughter, his suicide, and Mathilda's...
Of all the novels and stories which Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley left in manuscript, only one novelette, Mathilda, is complete. It exists in both rough...
Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo, o simplemente Frankenstein (titulo original en ingles: Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus), es una obra literaria de la escritora inglesa Mary Shelley. Publicado en 1818 y enmarcado en la tradicion de la novela gotica, el texto explora temas tales como la moral cientifica, la creacion y destruccion de vida y la audacia de la humanidad en su relacion con Dios. De ahi, el subtitulo de la obra: el protagonista intenta rivalizar en poder con Dios, como una suerte de Prometeo moderno que arrebata el fuego sagrado de la vida a la divinidad. Es considerado...
Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo, o simplemente Frankenstein (titulo original en ingles: Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus), es una obra liter...
Ever wanted to read a book about a guy reading another book? Yes? Good. I think we have the book for you. Are you worried that you'd miss out key points of the book he's reading because you wouldn't be reading it as well? In this case that won't be a problem because you will be reading it as well. This book, about someone reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, also happens to have the entire text for Frankenstein in it. You won't miss a word It's like reading two books at once, like experiencing the world twice in one go. Better than one book and worse at the same time. It's great because it's...
Ever wanted to read a book about a guy reading another book? Yes? Good. I think we have the book for you. Are you worried that you'd miss out key poin...
Frankenstein is a tale of suspense and sorrow. Shelley's masterpiece introduces the world to Victor Frankenstein's Monster, who yearns for love and acceptance from his creator. However, in his search for love and empathy, Frankenstein's Monster encounters man's xenophobia and hatred for things that are different, especially from the very scientist who created him.
Frankenstein is a tale of suspense and sorrow. Shelley's masterpiece introduces the world to Victor Frankenstein's Monster, who yearns for love and ac...