Ella Mortimer is a bright nine-year-old girl who happens to have leukemia. Diagnosed at the age of six, the long hospital visits, chemotherapy, blood transfusions, bouts of nausea, and lack of energy are taking a toll on Ella, who is a realist by nature. To cheer her up, her mom, Rebecca, takes Ella and her siblings, Chelsea and Miles, on a vacation to "Dreamcatchers," an aged amusement park that has seen better days. Once there, Ella meets an intriguing boy named Sebastian, who lives in the amusement park. With the help of this strange boy and his many wonderful adventures, Ella soon learns...
Ella Mortimer is a bright nine-year-old girl who happens to have leukemia. Diagnosed at the age of six, the long hospital visits, chemotherapy, blood ...
Ella Mortimer is a bright nine-year-old girl who happens to have leukemia. Diagnosed at the age of six, the long hospital visits, chemotherapy, blood transfusions, bouts of nausea, and lack of energy are taking a toll on Ella, who is a realist by nature. To cheer her up, her mom, Rebecca, takes Ella and her siblings, Chelsea and Miles, on a vacation to "Dreamcatchers," an aged amusement park that has seen better days. Once there, Ella meets an intriguing boy named Sebastian, who lives in the amusement park. With the help of this strange boy and his many wonderful adventures, Ella soon learns...
Ella Mortimer is a bright nine-year-old girl who happens to have leukemia. Diagnosed at the age of six, the long hospital visits, chemotherapy, blood ...