When someone yelled at you or hit you where did that come from? What if someone else gave "bad energy" to that person before he did it to you? What if that energy can be traced to a source? What if all energy can be traced to a source? It can be This Energy can be calculated. It has laws by which it works. It can be controlled
When someone yelled at you or hit you where did that come from? What if someone else gave "bad energy" to that person before he did it to you? What if...
A theater play in a style of Tragicomedy. Political satire with poetry, romance and philosophical monologues. Written in the early 2000s, it is still relevant and appeals to a casual and sophisticated reader as well.
A theater play in a style of Tragicomedy. Political satire with poetry, romance and philosophical monologues. Written in the early 2000s, it is still ...