Kenneth Boulding was a prolific writer across so many different fields that not only is he often much referred to and cited, he is considered a core member of many of these fields. Boulding is the quintessential interdisciplinary scholar. He died in 1993, but he has left a legacy in economics, conflict studies, systems theory, ecology, biology, communication studies, and ethics. As an economist proper he has tested and expanded the boundaries of that field without unduly invading and undermining the expertise and established knowledge of the other social sciences. This proposed volume will...
Kenneth Boulding was a prolific writer across so many different fields that not only is he often much referred to and cited, he is considered a core m...
Kenneth Boulding was a prolific writer across so many different fields that not only is he often much referred to and cited, he is considered a core member of many of these fields. Boulding is the quintessential interdisciplinary scholar. He died in 1993, but he has left a legacy in economics, conflict studies, systems theory, ecology, biology, communication studies, and ethics. As an economist proper he has tested and expanded the boundaries of that field without unduly "invading" and undermining the expertise and established knowledge of the other social sciences. This proposed volume...
Kenneth Boulding was a prolific writer across so many different fields that not only is he often much referred to and cited, he is considered a cor...
Das Buch befat sich mit den Moglichkeiten und Problemen einer Theorie alltagssprachlich koordinierter okonomischer Handlungen. Im Mittelpunkt steht zum einen die Produktivitat verstandigungsorientierten Handelns, zum anderen die Wirkung sprachvermittelter Macht. Die entwickelten theoretischen Elemente werden uber die Interpretation von Fallbeispielen einem Praxistest unterzogen und zu einem Modell sprachvermittelter Macht verknupft. Der Autor, geb. 1965, Diplom-Okonom, Dr. rer. pol., ist wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Institut fur Institutionelle und Sozialokonomie der Universitat Bremen.
Das Buch befat sich mit den Moglichkeiten und Problemen einer Theorie alltagssprachlich koordinierter okonomischer Handlungen. Im Mittelpunkt steht zu...