Dieses Buch ist die stark iiberarbeitete Fassung meiner Dissertation, die ich in der Zeit von Oktober 1990 bis Juli 1993 an der Universitat Bremen im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs "Lebenslauf und Sozialpolitik" verfaBt babe. Ich m6chte an dieser Stelle einer Reihe von Personen und Institutionen danken, ohne deren Unterstiitzung ich mein Promotionsvorl: taben weder harte beginnen, durchfiihren noch vollenden konnen. Ich danke zunachst Herm Theo Schiller, der mir wahrend meines Studiums an der Philipps-Universitat Malburg ein iiberaus einfluBreicherund stets einfiihlsamer Lehrer war und mit...
Dieses Buch ist die stark iiberarbeitete Fassung meiner Dissertation, die ich in der Zeit von Oktober 1990 bis Juli 1993 an der Universitat Bremen im ...
Three radical perspectives on the critique of capitalism For years, the critique of capitalism was lost from public discourse; the very word "capitalism" sounded like a throwback to another era. Nothing could be further from the truth today. In this new intellectual atmosphere, Sociology, Capitalism, Critique is a contribution to the renewal of critical sociology, founded on an empirically grounded diagnosis of society's ills. The authors, Germany's leading critical sociologists--Klaus Dorre, Stephan Lessenich, and Hartmut Rosa--share a conviction that ours is a pivotal...
Three radical perspectives on the critique of capitalism For years, the critique of capitalism was lost from public discourse; the very wor...
Back in 1972, German political sociologist Claus Offe published a book on the Structural Problems of Late Capitalism which, for almost two decades, inspired and stimulated an international and transdisciplinary debate on the role of the state in contemporary capitalism. An academic debate which, paradoxically, began to wane as the issues about which Offe had been writing became even more prominent: the "Contradictions of the Welfare State" (the title of a collection of Offe s main contributions to the debate published in English in 1984) and democratic capitalism s reality of the permanent...
Back in 1972, German political sociologist Claus Offe published a book on the Structural Problems of Late Capitalism which, for almost two decades,...