Christoph H. Wecht untersucht die Frage, wie eine aktive Integration von Kunden in die Fruhphase des Innovationsprozesses effizient und effektiv gestaltet und gefuhrt werden kann. Der Autor entwickelt eine Methode zur Gestaltung der fruhen Kundenintegration in den Innovationsprozess und gibt operative Gestaltungsempfehlungen. "
Christoph H. Wecht untersucht die Frage, wie eine aktive Integration von Kunden in die Fruhphase des Innovationsprozesses effizient und effektiv gesta...
The fact that customers can be a major source of innovation is well known. Research traditions on user-driven innovation have received a lot of attention since the first - search attempts in the early 80s. With today's trend of opening up the internal inno- tion process, innovation actors are no longer restricted to R&D or cross-functional internal teams but include external partners as well. Open innovation and open R&D models are means to manage the increased technological complexity and customer - mands in the global market place. The roles of customers are no longer restricted to p- sive...
The fact that customers can be a major source of innovation is well known. Research traditions on user-driven innovation have received a lot of attent...