"An ambitious novel of an Iranian woman's personal and professional struggles during a time of war and unrest...Powell does a good job of capturing the intense emotions of a very dramatic time...a captivating plot with a well-developed protagonist."
-Kirkus Reviews
"I thoroughly enjoyed reading Roxana's Revolution, a gripping story of individuals caught in events both inexplicable and out of control. We see the characters pulled between desire for something better for their beloved homeland and the growing knowledge that even worse is waiting for them, their friends,...
"An ambitious novel of an Iranian woman's personal and professional struggles during a time of war and unrest...Powell does a good job of capturing...
"An ambitious novel of an Iranian woman's personal and professional struggles during a time of war and unrest...Powell does a good job of capturing the intense emotions of a very dramatic time...a captivating plot with a well-developed protagonist."
-Kirkus Reviews
"I thoroughly enjoyed reading Roxana's Revolution, a gripping story of individuals caught in events both inexplicable and out of control. We see the characters pulled between desire for something better for their beloved homeland and the growing knowledge that even worse is waiting for them, their friends,...
"An ambitious novel of an Iranian woman's personal and professional struggles during a time of war and unrest...Powell does a good job of capturing...