This riveting love story, revolving around two extraordinary individuals, plays out against some of the most profound markers of the 20th century: Hitler's Germany, the American immigrant experience and growing threats of the nuclear age. Hermann Hoerlin and Kate Tietz Schmid meet in 1934; he, a handsome world record-holding mountaineer and aspiring physicist, is a staunch anti-fascist and she, part of Munich's intellectual and musical elite, is a stunning widow whose husband was murdered by the Nazis. To have a future together, Hoerlin (as she called him) and Kate must flee Germany. Standing...
This riveting love story, revolving around two extraordinary individuals, plays out against some of the most profound markers of the 20th century: Hit...
This riveting love story, revolving around two extraordinary individuals, plays out against some of the most profound markers of the 20th century: Hitler's Germany, the American immigrant experience and growing threats of the nuclear age. Hermann Hoerlin and Kate Tietz Schmid meet in 1934; he, a handsome world record-holding mountaineer and aspiring physicist, is a staunch anti-fascist and she, part of Munich's intellectual and musical elite, is a stunning widow whose husband was murdered by the Nazis. To have a future together, Hoerlin (as she called him) and Kate must flee Germany. Standing...
This riveting love story, revolving around two extraordinary individuals, plays out against some of the most profound markers of the 20th century: Hit...
Eine packende Lebens- und Liebesgeschichte, die den Terror des Nationalsozialismus, die Erfahrung der Emigration bis hin zu den Bedrohungen des Kalten Krieges unmittelbar miterleben und die heroische Zeit des Bergsteigens in neuem Licht erblicken lässt.§Mit zahlreichen bislang unveröffentlichten Abbildungen aus dem historischen Archiv des Alpenvereins und dem persönlichen Archiv der Autorin.
Eine packende Lebens- und Liebesgeschichte, die den Terror des Nationalsozialismus, die Erfahrung der Emigration bis hin zu den Bedrohungen des Kalten...