The growth and increased popularity of cruises is accompanied by a number of sustainability issues concerning the environment, the port economies and societies; on board and at shore. The sustainability imperative ultimately leads to operational, economical as well as image-related challenges for the sector's decision-makers and stakeholders. This collection of peer-reviewed papers, presented during the 3rd International Cruise Conference (Dubrovnik, Croatia), seeks to address those issues and contribute to their management in the mid-term.
The growth and increased popularity of cruises is accompanied by a number of sustainability issues concerning the environment, the port economi...
Die Kreuzfahrtindustrie ist eine boomende Branche und f r jeden, der Karriereambitionen und Reiselust verbinden will, das ideale Arbeitsumfeld. Menschen aus vielen Berufen - vom Kellner bis zum K chenchef, vom Rezeptionisten bis zum Hotel-Manager, ob Kosmetiker, Fitnesstrainer oder Reiseleiter - werden auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff gebraucht, sowohl auf dem Fluss als auch auf hoher See. Doch welcher Weg f hrt zum Traumjob auf einem Schiff und was sollten Bewerber vorher wissen und bedenken? Dieses Buch ist der erste umfassende Ratgeber zu diesem Thema. Daniela Fahr, Chefin der f hrenden...
Die Kreuzfahrtindustrie ist eine boomende Branche und f r jeden, der Karriereambitionen und Reiselust verbinden will, das ideale Arbeitsumfeld. Mensch...
The growth and increased popularity of cruises is accompanied by a number of sustainability issues concerning the environment, the port economies and societies; on board and at shore. The sustainability imperative ultimately leads to operational, economical as well as image-related challenges for the sector's decision-makers and stakeholders. This collection of peer-reviewed papers, presented during the 3rd International Cruise Conference (Dubrovnik, Croatia), seeks to address those issues and contribute to their management in the mid-term.
The growth and increased popularity of cruises is accompanied by a number of sustainability issues concerning the environment, the port economi...