Set in the small town of Schill Harbour, the story follows the misadventures of sixteen year old Sandrin Hawkes. Beginning with the discovery of a classmate's body at a local swimming hole, the girl is thrown into a mystery. Could her classmate's death have been more than just a terrible accident? As Sandrin begins to question other recent events in town, she soon uncovers a nest of long buried secrets and even a treasure hunt. And when she teams up with an unlikely partner, local juvenile delinquent Colt, the two soon discover more than they ever imagined.
Set in the small town of Schill Harbour, the story follows the misadventures of sixteen year old Sandrin Hawkes. Beginning with the discovery of a cla...
Ghostly screams heard on the wind. Vengeful pirates guarding buried treasure. Strange creatures hunting man as prey. These are some of the tales and folklore found within the pages of this book from the haunted shores of Parrsboro, Nova Scotia.
Ghostly screams heard on the wind. Vengeful pirates guarding buried treasure. Strange creatures hunting man as prey. These are some of the tales and f...