Tudo muda. E estamos numa mudanca profunda mergulhando na Era Digital. As empresas, a economia, a sociedade e ate nos como individuos estamos a mudar (ou deveriamos estar). Gerir na Era Digital e um novo desafio para empresarios, gestores, marketeers, economistas, politicos... O impacto da mudanca e tao grande que ninguem fica de fora. A comunicacao esta no epicentro destas alteracoes, obrigando a uma revisao profunda dos modelos de negocio da industria dos Media e tambem de outras industrias. A tecnologia, por sua vez, e o grande motor desta nova Era e, mais do que nunca, o papel principal...
Tudo muda. E estamos numa mudanca profunda mergulhando na Era Digital. As empresas, a economia, a sociedade e ate nos como individuos estamos a mudar ...
Everything changes. We are currently immersing in the Digital Era and going through in-depth change. The companies, economy, society, and even us as individuals are changing (or should be). Managing in the Digital Era is a new challenge for entrepreneurs, managers, marketeers, economists, politicians... The impact of change is such that no one is left out. Communication is in the core of these changes, requiring an in-depth review of the Media industry business models and also those of other industries. Technology, on the other hand, is the major engine of this new Era, and more than ever the...
Everything changes. We are currently immersing in the Digital Era and going through in-depth change. The companies, economy, society, and even us as i...