This 300+ page volume contains valuable, previously unreleased knowledge of the religion commonly known as Asatru. It contains: the Poetic Edda including Hrafngaldr Odins and clearly labeled inspirational prose, afterlife and undeath, a large divination section including Runes, Seidhr and the Language of Birds, comprehensive glossary of the Gods and Goddesses along with Asatru religious words and terms, complete list of holidays, rituals, ceremonies, blessings and prayers, full-color chart on the back cover may be used for cross reference as needed, a new way to view the World-Tree Yggdrasil,...
This 300+ page volume contains valuable, previously unreleased knowledge of the religion commonly known as Asatru. It contains: the Poetic Edda includ...
In the course of a feud, Gunnarr is exiled and must leave Iceland but as he rides away from his home he is struck by the beauty of the land and resolves to stay; this quickly leads to his death. Some years later, Njal is burned alive in his home as a part of a cycle of killing and vengeance."
In the course of a feud, Gunnarr is exiled and must leave Iceland but as he rides away from his home he is struck by the beauty of the land and resolv...