Cerebral Palsy, a developmental disease impacting motor coordination, affects 3 out of 1,000 births. While medical intervention such as physical or speech therapy, ambulatory aides like wheelchairs or braces, help a child achieve a productive life, John Brown was determined that he would leave his mark on the world. Born in the early 50's with a type of spastic CP impacting his gait and balance, but leaving his speech intact, John and his strong willed mother fought against the times' conventional wisdom and doctors' predictions that he would never walk. After an early childhood of repeated...
Cerebral Palsy, a developmental disease impacting motor coordination, affects 3 out of 1,000 births. While medical intervention such as physical or sp...
Clean eating shouldn't be complicated. The secret to staying healthy quick and easy, keeping it off and boosting your energy is clean eating. This book has actionable strategies, guides, and plans on how to eat healthy to boost your energy and remain healthy. If you are reading this, chances are you are looking for a fitness program that will burn fat, make you lean, boost energy, and stay healthy. Perhaps you are looking to fit back into that wedding dress, or want to achieve that six-pack you have always dreamed about, or simply feel better. In any case, you are definitely not alone. Many...
Clean eating shouldn't be complicated. The secret to staying healthy quick and easy, keeping it off and boosting your energy is clean eating. This boo...