The Story of Mohammed tells the legendary life of Mohammed.
Born in 570 CE in the Arabian city of Mecca, Mohammed was orphaned at an early age; he was raised under the care of his paternal uncle, Abu Talib. After his childhood, he primarily worked as a merchant.
Occasionally, Mohammed would retreat to a cave in the mountains for several nights of seclusion and prayer.
At age 40, Mohammed reported that he was visited by Gabriel and received his first revelation from God. Three years after this event, Mohammed started preaching the revelations publicly, proclaiming that he was a...
The Story of Mohammed tells the legendary life of Mohammed.
Born in 570 CE in the Arabian city of Mecca, Mohammed was orphaned at an early age; ...
Hermann Lotze, the German philosopher, in his magnificent Microcosm, argues that the idea of a transmigration of souls remains a dream of the fancy, nor has anyone yet succeeded in giving it a higher moral significance for the order of the universe.
The ethical leverage of the doctrine of reincarnation is immense. Its motive power is great. It reveals as magnificent a background to the present life, with its contradictions and disasters, as the prospect of immortality opens up an illimitable foreground, lengthening out the horizon of hope. It binds together the past, the present and the...
Hermann Lotze, the German philosopher, in his magnificent Microcosm, argues that the idea of a transmigration of souls remains a dream of the fancy...
The Story of My Experiments with Truth is the autobiography of Mohandas K. Gandhi, covering his life from early childhood through to 1921. It was written and published in his journal, Navjivan from 1925 to 1929. It was initiated at the insistence of Swami Anand and other close co-workers of Gandhi, who encouraged him to explain the background of his public campaigns.
The Story of My Experiments with Truth is the personal account of the life of the man who freed India from colonization through the Satyagraha - nonviolent protest - movement. His early boyhood life, legal studies,...
The Story of My Experiments with Truth is the autobiography of Mohandas K. Gandhi, covering his life from early childhood through to 1921. It was w...
Professor Carroll Quigley was a top American historian and theorist on the evolution of civilizations. He believed that knowledge cannot be divided into parts, that the world can be viewed only as an interlocking, complex system. This view complemented his life: he had reveled in the traditions and contrasts of his neighborhood, eschewed fame in favor of keeping his emotional and social development on track.
In an age characterized by violence, extraordinary personal alienation, and the disintegration of moral values, Quigley chose a life dedicated to rationality. He wanted an...
Professor Carroll Quigley was a top American historian and theorist on the evolution of civilizations. He believed that knowledge cannot be divided...
Vor Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts blieb Elektrizitat allein ein wissenschaftliches Kuriosum. Nikola Tesla anderte dies wohl mehr als jeder Andere. Aber Teslas bahnbrechende Forschung in der Elektrizitatslehre stellt nur einen Teil der wissenschaftlichen und technischen Innovationen dar, die ihn zu einer wissenschaftlichen Gottheit erhoben.
Nikola Tesla: Das verlorene Genie umfasst unter anderem die Geschichte von Teslas Inspiration fur seine Karriere im Ingenieurswesen; es zeigt seine Elektrizitatstheorien, die gegen die wissenschaftliche Welt verstiessen, erforscht seine Freundschaften,...
Vor Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts blieb Elektrizitat allein ein wissenschaftliches Kuriosum. Nikola Tesla anderte dies wohl mehr als jeder Andere. Ab...
Zanoni, o il Segreto dell'Immortalita, dei testi piu celebri della letteratura esoterica, e un romanzo di iniziazione ambientato nel diciottesimo secolo.
Zanoni e un essere immortale, vivente dall'epoca della civilta caldea. Per preservare la sua immortalita e i suoi doni di chiaroveggenza, gli e proibito l'amore con una mortale. Quando incontra Viola, una giovane cantante lirica di Napoli dal futuro promettente, figlia di Pisani, violinista italiano incompreso, il suo cuore ha un sussulto.
Mejnour, il mestro di Zanoni, lo mette in guardia contro i rischi di cedere il suo cuore ad...
Zanoni, o il Segreto dell'Immortalita, dei testi piu celebri della letteratura esoterica, e un romanzo di iniziazione ambientato nel diciottesimo ...
Zanoni, o el Secreto de los Inmortales es uno de los textos mas celebres de la literatura esoterica. Es una novela iniciatica en el marco del siglo XVIII.
Zanoni es un ser inmortal que vive desde la epoca de la civilizacion caldea. Para preservar su inmortalidad y sus dotes de clarividencia, el amor con una mortal le es prohibido. Cuando conocio a Viola, una joven de Napoles, cantante de opera con un futuro prometedor e hija de Pisani, un incomprendido violinista italiano, su corazon dio un vuelco.
Mejnour, el maestro de Zanoni, le advierte de los riesgos de ofrecer su corazon a una...
Zanoni, o el Secreto de los Inmortales es uno de los textos mas celebres de la literatura esoterica. Es una novela iniciatica en el marco del sigl...
Zanoni, l'un des textes les plus celebres de la litterature esoterique, est un roman initiatique ayant pour cadre le XVIIIeme siecle.
Zanoni est un etre immortel vivant depuis la civilisation chaldeenne. Pour preserver son immortalite et ses dons de clairvoyance, l'amour avec une mortelle lui est defendu. Lorsqu'il rencontre Viola, une jeune chanteuse d'opera de Naples a l'avenir prometteur, fille de Pisani, violoniste italien incompris, son coeur chavire.
Mejnour, le maitre de Zanoni, le met en garde contre les risques de ceder son coeur a une mortelle. Mais le c ur a ses raisons...
Zanoni, l'un des textes les plus celebres de la litterature esoterique, est un roman initiatique ayant pour cadre le XVIIIeme siecle.
Paramahansa Yogananda Adriano Lucchese W. y. Evans-Wentz
This is the 70th-anniversary edition of Autobiography of a Yogi. Designated one of the 100 most important spiritual books of the 20th century, this book is the reprint of the 1946 first edition, with all its intact inherent power.
Autobiography of a Yogi is the autobiography of the realized master Paramahansa Yogananda and his encounters with spiritual figures of both the East and the West. The autobiography begins with Yogananda's childhood family life, to finding his guru, to becoming a monk and establishing his teachings of Kriya Yoga meditation. The book continues in 1920 when...
This is the 70th-anniversary edition of Autobiography of a Yogi. Designated one of the 100 most important spiritual books of the 20th century, this...
Ce livre s'adresse a tous ceux qui pressentent et recherchent une verite au-dela des apparences materielles. Le lecteur y decouvrira la dimension cosmique de sa vie quotidienne a travers les sujets abordes tels que: l'Homme et ses Corps Subtils, l'Existence apres la Mort, la Reincarnation, la Responsabilite et la Loi de Causalite, la Preparation a l'Initiation, la Genese du Cosmos.
Devenue un ouvrage de reference en matiere de spiritualite, la Cosmogonie des Rose-Croix continue a etre etudiee, consultee, respectee dans des milieux aussi divers et specialises que l'Esoterisme Chretien,...
Ce livre s'adresse a tous ceux qui pressentent et recherchent une verite au-dela des apparences materielles. Le lecteur y decouvrira la dimension c...