"Impact" is a fast-paced novel depicting the tragic lives of three young adults embarking on missions of murders-missions that will shake the very core of the two main characters, Frank and Lucas. With a natural dialogue and surprising twists, Impact will touch hearts with its story of redemption and love.
Pontiac, Michigan, is a city on the move-positive things happening, crime dropping, murders dropping. The people of the small city are excited about themselves and their future, but not everyone is happy. One notorious drug dealer is not happy at all. He sends out two killers to...
"Impact" is a fast-paced novel depicting the tragic lives of three young adults embarking on missions of murders-missions that will shake the very ...
"Impact" is a fast-paced novel depicting the tragic lives of three young adults embarking on missions of murders-missions that will shake the very core of the two main characters, Frank and Lucas. With a natural dialogue and surprising twists, Impact will touch hearts with its story of redemption and love.
Pontiac, Michigan, is a city on the move-positive things happening, crime dropping, murders dropping. The people of the small city are excited about themselves and their future, but not everyone is happy. One notorious drug dealer is not happy at all. He sends out two killers to...
"Impact" is a fast-paced novel depicting the tragic lives of three young adults embarking on missions of murders-missions that will shake the very ...