Prophetic messages received from the Lord in 2010 to its author, Stephen A Hanson, a talented and wonderful prophet and artist. The issues in this prophetic work concern the state of the world, especially USA, and the dividing issues that are emerging. Each message is dated and supplemented by Scriptural quotes. Inspiring and filled with truths to set readers on the right course to avoid disasters. A very profound work. Email Stephen at for copies, and you can also visit his website below for an updated listing of prophecies and teachings. http:...
Prophetic messages received from the Lord in 2010 to its author, Stephen A Hanson, a talented and wonderful prophet and artist. The issues in this pro...
My hope is that the reader will enjoy the stories that are included in this volume. Many of the characters in these stories find themselves propelled into other worlds, and yet they discover a hidden strength and resolve through the dangers that they face. Some of the characters lived in squalid surroundings, where few of us would even walk through. But through the grace of God and the circumstances that they came through, a new beginning is given to them, where they can live in a new place for the rest of their lives. Others discover hidden lands where they discover personal gifts and...
My hope is that the reader will enjoy the stories that are included in this volume. Many of the characters in these stories find themselves propelled ...