Instead of being subjected to traditional bedtime prayers, this little boy is regaled with observations on the beauty of the natural world and the wonders of science. God doesn't love him because God doesn't exist.
Instead of being subjected to traditional bedtime prayers, this little boy is regaled with observations on the beauty of the natural world and the won...
It's tough for Mother Sparrow with three hungry beaks to feed. Day after day. Not that long ago Father Sparrow was a tremendous help. But one day, as she returned to the nest, he was nowhere to be found. Today, however, she really could have done with his help. Dark clouds had put in an appearance and the wind was beginning to pick up. But Mother Sparrow had to go on a difficult and dangerous search to find some food for her little ones. As she was finally successful and returned to the next, she got a shock: The nest was empty, completely empty.
It's tough for Mother Sparrow with three hungry beaks to feed. Day after day. Not that long ago Father Sparrow was a tremendous help. But one day, as ...
Mutter Spatz hat es nicht leicht. Drei hungrige Schnabel hat sie zu versorgen. Und das Tag aus, Tag ein. Vor gar nicht allzu langer Zeit war alles viel einfacher. Vater Spatz war eine grosse Hilfe. Doch als sie eines Tages von der Futtersuche zuruckkam war er spurlos verschwunden. Gerade heute aber konnte sie die Hilfe von Vater Spatz gut gebrauchen. Dunkle Wolken sind aufgezogen und der Wind frischt stark auf. Doch Mutter Spatz musste auch heute los um Futter zu besorgen. Als sie endlich erfolgreich war und zum Nest zuruckkehrte, da traute sie ihren Augen nicht. Das Nest war leer, vollig...
Mutter Spatz hat es nicht leicht. Drei hungrige Schnabel hat sie zu versorgen. Und das Tag aus, Tag ein. Vor gar nicht allzu langer Zeit war alles vie...