The gentle yet ass-kicking, doable yet challenging, irreverent yet intimate guide to freeing yourself from business as usual. Instead of beating yourself up about all the ways you're doing business wrong, use this book to blaze your own path through the entrepreneurial wilderness.
The gentle yet ass-kicking, doable yet challenging, irreverent yet intimate guide to freeing yourself from business as usual. Instead of beating yours...
69 poems written from 1999-2016, brought together to represent the good, the bad, and the ugly about coming of age with the internet, before the word 'Millennial' existed, before iPhones had been created, before the claws of social media got their talons into everyone. When there was love and losing it, consumerism and railing against it; finding the voice strongest within you and silencing it for far too long.
69 poems written from 1999-2016, brought together to represent the good, the bad, and the ugly about coming of age with the internet, before the word ...
This book is lovingly peppered with questions and fill-in-the-blanks to keep you moving, keep you thinking, and keep you calling forth your best and brightest talents. It's every trick and tip and bit of purpose-finding magic I know to help you find the courage to embrace and then rock the shit out of your biggest gifts. Fair warning: it's subtitled 'Business as a Spiritual Practice, ' because the act of making the stuff and then selling the stuff can be a brutal one. I don't want to gloss over the process in any way. There's hard work and deep work to be done as you bring the things you're...
This book is lovingly peppered with questions and fill-in-the-blanks to keep you moving, keep you thinking, and keep you calling forth your best and b...
You're an introvert. You don't do loud, jazz-hands-y marketing activities, and you avoid networking like the plague. I know all about the ways your brain messes with your sense of self and your confidence because you're an introvert. The inner voices get all crazy and tell you all the stuff you "should" be doing to grow your business, only it feels terrible. Most of the extroverted business-building suggestions feel approximately as fun as poking your eyes out with spoons while getting run over by a dump truck. So you don't do them. Your decreasing confidence leads to declining interest in...
You're an introvert. You don't do loud, jazz-hands-y marketing activities, and you avoid networking like the plague. I know all about the ways your br...