Are you having trouble in your home due to “In-Laws”? Do you not know where or how to draw the line? Maybe you thought that families were to get along and you feel troubled about having bad feelings towards them. This study on “Dealing With Bad In-Laws” answers those questions and more. It takes you through the example of Laban, who was Jacob’s father in-law, and shows how to deal with such matters and situations, biblically. This study can be liberating to couples who still feel the need or command to obey Mother or Father. By obeying the word of God, you can...
Are you having trouble in your home due to “In-Laws”? Do you not know where or how to draw the line? Maybe you thought that families we...
Is a local, Baptist church the bride of Christ? Did John the Baptist start the first Baptist church with Jesus as one of his members? Is a saved Methodist, Lutheran or Catholic in the bride of Christ? What is the Baptist Bride heresy?
You may wonder at the absurdity of these questions, and yet the Baptist Bride heresy is a predominate belief amongst many Baptist churches.
From years of experience and much study, Ken McDonald writes to refute this heresy. With actual quotes from men such as Dr. Jack Hyles, Pastor James R. Love, Dr. Thomas Cassidy, Roy Mason and others, you will...
Is a local, Baptist church the bride of Christ? Did John the Baptist start the first Baptist church with Jesus as one of his members? Is a saved Me...
In the day and age in which we live the Bible says that iniquity abounds and because of it the love of many waxes cold. (Matt. 24:12) Often cold hearts are the result of getting hurt and betrayed by loved ones. If you do not understand God's way of, and the steps needed to be taken in order for proper healing and true reconciliation to take place in a relationship, then you are vulnerable to getting you heart broken over and over again.
Even As God takes you through the steps set forth in the word of God for true healing and reconciliation of a relationship. It gives the reader an...
In the day and age in which we live the Bible says that iniquity abounds and because of it the love of many waxes cold. (Matt. 24:12) Often cold he...