George Mason published the three books that made him famous. His secret is that he never wrote any of them, and when a fourth one shows up he decides to destroy it. That generates an adventure of intrigue, crime and mystery. George runs looking for the missing clues putting his life and the life of those around him in great danger. Will George succeed or be the protagonist of a fifth manuscript?
George Mason published the three books that made him famous. His secret is that he never wrote any of them, and when a fourth one shows up he decides ...
Putsch. A Hannah Fisher Triller. Hannah Fisher is hired to make Rafael Hungria's government unstable. Her job is simple. Kill the cabinet that help Rafael Hungria. Her Job get's complicated when John Weed's get involved. They may have never actually met, but their lives were connected by someone many years prior to this event. The result is a fast paced novel, full of surprises, twist and turns that will change Hannah Fisher forever."
Putsch. A Hannah Fisher Triller. Hannah Fisher is hired to make Rafael Hungria's government unstable. Her job is simple. Kill the cabinet that help Ra...
The book you hold in your hands was conceived while talking to a couple of friends who were struggling with productivity and writing. I wanted to share with them the tricks and tips that I have used over the years, that have made a big impact in my life and the life of those that have applied them. I wrote this book hoping that you, the reader, might learn a thing or two (maybe twenty-five) that will help you excel in the game of life. I hope you find a gem in this pages, I hope one of this tips will help you in some significant way. If you do give this book to someone that you think will...
The book you hold in your hands was conceived while talking to a couple of friends who were struggling with productivity and writing. I wanted to shar...
El libro que tienes en tus manos fue creado mientras conversaba con un par de amigos que estaban teniendo dificultades con su productividad y su trabajo como escritores. Quise compartir con ellos mis tacticas y consejos que venia usando a traves de los anos, que habian creado un gran impacto en mi vida y en la vida de aquellos que los habian aplicado. Escribi este libro con la esperanza de que tu, el lector, pudiera aprender una cosa o dos (con suerte veinticinco) que lo ayudaran a sobresalir en el juego de vivir. Espero que encuentres una joya en estas paginas, espero que alguno de estos...
El libro que tienes en tus manos fue creado mientras conversaba con un par de amigos que estaban teniendo dificultades con su productividad y su traba...
If you are like me, you have probably read that you should learn to say no to others in order to increase productivity. This is a very good idea, but it is not enough. In my opinion, there is more than one type of NO that we should learn to use. There is one we should avoid, one we should learn to use appropriately, and one that we need to use. We don't know how to use this word appropriately with ourselves or with other people. The result is that we end up saying NO when we should say YES and YES when we should say NO. Only when we learn to use NO correctly with ourselves can we apply it to...
If you are like me, you have probably read that you should learn to say no to others in order to increase productivity. This is a very good idea, but ...
Estoy seguro que al igual que yo has leido que debes aprender a decir NO a las demas personas para poder aumentar tu productividad. Es una buena idea, pero no es suficiente. En mi opinion, hay mas de un NO que debemos aprender, de hecho existe un NO que debemos evitar, un NO que debemos aprender a usar y un NO que necesitamos aprender a usar. No sabemos como usar la palabra NO apropiadamente en nosotros mismos ni con las demas personas; el resultado es que decimos mas NO cuando debimos haber dicho SI y mas SI cuando debimos haber dicho NO. Solo cuando aprendemos a usar la palabra NO...
Estoy seguro que al igual que yo has leido que debes aprender a decir NO a las demas personas para poder aumentar tu productividad. Es una buena idea,...
As you will discover in these pages that I begin testing the idea of waking up at 4:00 A.M. out of desperation and frustration, I never expect to find two full hours of focus and concentration. In my experience (guess what I used to do too) this is what people do: Wake up Running, Run to Work, Run at Work, Run to Home, Deal with Family Routines, Hope Family goes to bed, Work on your most important stuff." We have done it for generations, and it is wrong. We should: "Work on your most important stuff so we don't need to run to work, at work, to home and instead of dealing with family, enjoying...
As you will discover in these pages that I begin testing the idea of waking up at 4:00 A.M. out of desperation and frustration, I never expect to find...
Descubriras en estas paginas que empece a jugar con la idea de levantarme a las 4:00A.M. Por desesperacion y frustracion, nunca espere que iba a encontrar dos horas de concentracion y enfoque. En mi experiencia (adivinas lo que yo hacia) esto es lo que la gente hace: "Nos levantamos corriendo, corriendo al trabajo, corriendo en el trabajo, corriendo a la asa, lidiando con la rutina familiar, esperando que la familia se valla a dormir, finalmente trabajando en lo mas importante." Lo hemos hecho asi por generaciones, y esta equivocado, deberiamos: "Trabajar en lo mas importante, asi no tenemos...
Descubriras en estas paginas que empece a jugar con la idea de levantarme a las 4:00A.M. Por desesperacion y frustracion, nunca espere que iba a encon...
This book is a result of our experience of using iPads as our main machines, and being #iPadOnly for more than year now. We believe this to be the first real post-PC book. We show how we use our iPads to work, play and everything in between... and how much fun we have in the process. The best part: you can do the same.
This book is a result of our experience of using iPads as our main machines, and being #iPadOnly for more than year now. We believe this to be the fir...
Este libro lo escribi en ocasion a la invitacion que me amablemente me hizo la Sociedad de Alumnos de Ingenieria Industrial y de Sistemas del Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Sonora Norte, para ir a hablarles. Supe que me habian descubierto por otro libro que habia escrito llamado: "25 Consejos de Productividad" y quise crear algo propio para ellos, una lista que quiza complementara aquel libro pero que les sirviera un poco de inspiracion ahora que esten por terminar sus estudios y enfrentarse al mundo real. Estas son 25 cosas que me hubiera gustado saber para cuando llegue hace ya algunos...
Este libro lo escribi en ocasion a la invitacion que me amablemente me hizo la Sociedad de Alumnos de Ingenieria Industrial y de Sistemas del Tecnolog...