This book explores the significance of sport in the understanding of past and current societal dynamics in the Arab world. It examines sport in relation to cultural, political and economic changes in the Arab World, including nation-state building, the formation of national identity and international relations in post-colonial context.
This book explores the significance of sport in the understanding of past and current societal dynamics in the Arab world. It examines sport in relati...
As Islam's visibility in global society increases, Muslim populations grow, and Muslim countries compete to take up positions at the heart of global sport, the interplay between sport and Islam becomes ever more illuminating. Sport in Islam and in Muslim Communities is the first book to analyse this relationship through a pluralist lens, exploring the questions it raises about contemporary Islam, globalisation, and the challenges faced by (in particular young) Muslims in negotiating their place in global society.
With contributions from Muslim and non-Muslim authors, the book...
As Islam's visibility in global society increases, Muslim populations grow, and Muslim countries compete to take up positions at the heart of globa...
De nos jours, les nouvelles techniques de mise en place des grandes cultures sont de plus en plus pratiquA(c)es pour des raisons d'A(c)conomie d'A(c)nergie et de temps; mais cela pourrais entraA(R)ner une pollution des sols car ces techniques utilisent A(c)normA(c)ment des herbicides pour la destruction des mauvaises herbes. la question reste posA(c)e polluer le sol (donc les cultures et les nappes d'eau) ou polluer l'atmosphA]re
De nos jours, les nouvelles techniques de mise en place des grandes cultures sont de plus en plus pratiquA(c)es pour des raisons d'A(c)conomie d'A(c)n...