Popular Lost Cities author Childress tackles the enigma of worldwide cranial deformation along with Canadian-Peruvian anthropologist Foerster. In a book filled with over a hundred astonishing photos and a color photo section, Childress and Foerster take us to Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Malta, China, Mexico and other places in search of strange elongated skulls and other cranial deformation. The puzzle of why diverse ancient people-even on remote Pacific Islands-would use head-binding to create elongated heads is mystifying. Where did they even get this idea? Did some people naturally look this...
Popular Lost Cities author Childress tackles the enigma of worldwide cranial deformation along with Canadian-Peruvian anthropologist Foerster. In a bo...
Easter Island is one of the remotest populated islands on earth. It is most famous for the 900 or more huge stone heads called Moai which are only found here. But did you know that each of these Moai are in fact complete bodies, often buried up to their necks? The enigma surrounding these statues, as well as other features on the island is that there appear to have been two distinct populations in the distant past. One, which were and are the Polynesian people, and a mysterious race called the Long Ears who perhaps were the first inhabitants and possibly the makers of the largest of the Moai....
Easter Island is one of the remotest populated islands on earth. It is most famous for the 900 or more huge stone heads called Moai which are only fou...
Peru and Bolivia have become very popular tourist destinations because, mainly, of the amazing stone remains left behind by cultures such as the Inca. Machu Picchu is the number one popular site for travelers to South America, yet how many of these visitors realize that many of the famous, and less known megalithic sites are much older than cultures such as the Inca and thus were not made by them In this book, Brien Foerster shows you that places such as Cusco, Puma Punku, Tiwanaku and even Machu Picchu were initially constructed thousands of years before the Inca or other famous people...
Peru and Bolivia have become very popular tourist destinations because, mainly, of the amazing stone remains left behind by cultures such as the Inca....
"Pour nous tous, les dirigeants des anciens Egyptiens nommes pharaons sont a l'origine de la construction des ouvrages massifs tels que la Grande Pyramide de Gizeh et l'enigmatique Sphinx. Cependant, cet ouvrage vous fera decouvrir de maniere scientifique l'existence d'une civilisation avancee precedant celle des Egyptiens dynastiques. Cette civilisation possedait une haute technologie capable de deplacer des blocs massifs de pierres, de les couper avec une precision chirurgicale et de les deplacer dans certains cas a plusieurs centaines de kilometres de leurs carrieres d'origine..."...
"Pour nous tous, les dirigeants des anciens Egyptiens nommes pharaons sont a l'origine de la construction des ouvrages massifs tels que la Grande Pyra...
Most visitors to Peru visit Cusco and Machu Picchu, but how many know that they can travel around the area without the need for a tour guide, or the ability to speak Spanish? This book gives many helpful tips on how to plan your trip, what to take with you, and how to travel by yourself with ease. Also, insights into the true age of the most mysterious structures in Cusco and Machu Picchu are revealed; they predate the Inca by thousands of years You will be guided virtually through all of the famous, and some lesser known sites, and will learn things that most Cusco tour guides know nothing...
Most visitors to Peru visit Cusco and Machu Picchu, but how many know that they can travel around the area without the need for a tour guide, or the a...