La profecia del Mastay predice el futuro advenimiento de una era de luz y armonia; de un dia que empezara iluminado por un nuevo Sol. Ese dia se iniciara con la reintegracion entre la gente de las cuatro direcciones. El proposito de este libro es facilitar dicho reencuentro y descubrir que puede suceder entonces. Para ello, se explica un fragmento significativo de la vida de cuatro personajes, donde cada uno representa un elemento, direccion y civilizacion. El primer personaje representa a la gente de aire, la direccion Este y a la civilizacion Oriental. El segundo representa a la gente de...
La profecia del Mastay predice el futuro advenimiento de una era de luz y armonia; de un dia que empezara iluminado por un nuevo Sol. Ese dia se inici...
The prophecy of the Mastay foretells the coming of an age of light and harmony, a day that will be illuminated by a new sun. This day will begin with the reunion of the 'people of the four directions'. The aim of this book is to facilitate the union and explore what could happen afterwards. The book describes the lives of four characters, each of which represent an element, a direction and a set of civilisations. The first character represents the people of Air, the East, and the Asian civilisations. The second represents the people of Water, the North, and the Islam. The third belongs to the...
The prophecy of the Mastay foretells the coming of an age of light and harmony, a day that will be illuminated by a new sun. This day will begin with ...
Con la entrada en la era de la materialidad, hace ahora 5 mil anos, el conocimiento sobre la anatomia del alma paso a formar parte de las distintas tradiciones esotericas. Ello hizo que fuera reservado a unos pocos iniciados. En los Himalayas fue un saber transmitido oralmente, de maestro a discipulo, y registrado en libros como los puranas o los tantras. En el Antiguo Egipto y Sumeria, se transmitio a partir de las diversas escuelas misticas. Con la llegada del islam, muchas de dichas escuelas se convirtieron en hermandades sufies. En occidente, dado el poder que tal saber conferia, a la...
Con la entrada en la era de la materialidad, hace ahora 5 mil anos, el conocimiento sobre la anatomia del alma paso a formar parte de las distintas tr...
Upon entering the age of materialism, around 5000 years ago, knowledge about the anatomy of the soul became part of various esoteric traditions. It was therefore kept private among a few initiates. In the Himalayas it was knowledge passed down orally, from master to disciple, and recorded in texts like the Puranas or the Tantras. In ancient Egypt and Sumer, it was transmitted through various mystical schools. With the arrival of Islam, many of these schools became Sufi brotherhoods. In the West, because of the power associated with this knowledge, various secret societies were founded,...
Upon entering the age of materialism, around 5000 years ago, knowledge about the anatomy of the soul became part of various esoteric traditions. It wa...
The prophecy of the Mastay foretells the coming of an age of light and harmony, a day that will be illuminated by a new sun. This day will begin with the reunion of the 'people of the four directions'. The aim of this book is to facilitate the union and explore what could happen afterwards. It describes the lives of four characters, each of which represent an element, a direction and a civilisation. The first character represents the people of air, the East, and Eastern civilisation. The second represents the people of water, the North, and Islam. The third belongs to the people of fire, the...
The prophecy of the Mastay foretells the coming of an age of light and harmony, a day that will be illuminated by a new sun. This day will begin with ...