The first story of the Adventures of Flip and Flop, "Sole Survivors," takes us on a salty, windswept journey when Flip and Flop are separated from their feet and then...each other. It is a story about heart-binding friendship and determination. To boot, it is a friendly reminder to our children that their shoes have feelings too The Adventures of Flip and Flop The Three Legged Race The second story "The Three Legged Race" takes us to the park with Flip and Flop and their Feet where they all celebrate being reunited.....
The first story of the Adventures of Flip and Flop, "Sole Survivors," takes us on a salty, windswept journey when Flip and Flop are separated from the...
The second story of The Adventures of Flip and Flop, "The Three Legged Race," takes us to a day at the park with Flip and Flop, after they have been joyfully reunited with their feet. It is a story about believing in ones self to do anything you put your mind to and understanding that just because we are all different, it doesn't mean we cannot work together to accomplish wonderful things
The second story of The Adventures of Flip and Flop, "The Three Legged Race," takes us to a day at the park with Flip and Flop, after they have been j...