From the day its grand foundation was laid, Rosewood Plantation was special. A cotton-producing farm, it seems to be just like neighboring plantations on the surface-but it has a secret to protect. It is a place of swelling adventure, filled with brave gentlemen, beautiful Southern belles, and a visitor from beyond. The residents of Lindbergh, Tennessee, consider the plantation to be home to more than just memories and history, and most have a chilling story to share about Rosewood.
Over the years, the plantation has known many owners, each one leaving his mark on the place. Each...
From the day its grand foundation was laid, Rosewood Plantation was special. A cotton-producing farm, it seems to be just like neighboring plantati...
From the day its grand foundation was laid, Rosewood Plantation was special. A cotton-producing farm, it seems to be just like neighboring plantations on the surface-but it has a secret to protect. It is a place of swelling adventure, filled with brave gentlemen, beautiful Southern belles, and a visitor from beyond. The residents of Lindbergh, Tennessee, consider the plantation to be home to more than just memories and history, and most have a chilling story to share about Rosewood.
Over the years, the plantation has known many owners, each one leaving his mark on the place. Each...
From the day its grand foundation was laid, Rosewood Plantation was special. A cotton-producing farm, it seems to be just like neighboring plantati...