COLORES FABULOSOS is the Spanish version of STUPENDOUS COLORS that was originally created in English. It is devised to teach the same colors as in STUPENDOUS COLORS to any toddler in Spanish, whether or not they are Spanish speaking-while it also introduces Spanish words to them. This method is based on the same question as STUPENDOUS COLORS was created: Do children need to be developmentally ready to recognize colors? We, of the STUPENDOUS COLORS method, believe otherwise, for our method has taught three colors to a baby who was just five months old. It is designed to teach 15 colors to...
COLORES FABULOSOS is the Spanish version of STUPENDOUS COLORS that was originally created in English. It is devised to teach the same colors as in STU...
En aquest llibre es dona a coneixer l estat actual de les investigacions mes avancades en el camp de les Humanitats, presentant alguns dels projectes capdavanters que estan duent a terme historiadors i filolegs de prestigi internacional a Europa i als Estats Units. Aquests projectes tenen a veure amb corpora de textos antics (literaris o linguistics), repertoris metrics, bases de dades sobre manuscrits, impresos, referents iconografics, digitalitzacions de fons antics o catalegs de grans institucions de recerca, etc. El volum mostra els darrers progressos en el proces de divulgacio dels...
En aquest llibre es dona a coneixer l estat actual de les investigacions mes avancades en el camp de les Humanitats, presentant alguns dels projectes ...