Come and experience the beauty of the Cross and the sacrifice that Jesus Christ, God s only begotten Son, paid for all of humanity. In The Cross and the Crucifixion, the author sheds light on the work of redemption for all of humanity through the power of the Cross. This work of redemption began in the Garden of Eden. Encouraging and inspiring, this enlightening book will help believers and non-believers alike gain eternal perspective on life and gives keen insight into the work of redemption through the Cross and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Come and embrace the power and the love of Jesus...
Come and experience the beauty of the Cross and the sacrifice that Jesus Christ, God s only begotten Son, paid for all of humanity. In The Cross and t...
The book The Spirit Power: Volume I explains and teaches about the power of the Holy Spirit from the beginning of all creation. In this book you will learn about the exposition of the Spirit's action in the lives of the people who believe in Jesus Christ and have received the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says: God is a Spirit those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. The Spirit of God dwells inside the believer, guiding and directing them in their daily lives. Come learn, understand and experience God s faithfulness to us through the power of the...
The book The Spirit Power: Volume I explains and teaches about the power of the Holy Spirit from the beginning of all creation. In this book you will ...
The Spirit Power Volume II explains in a simple way the power of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit of God enables a believer to walk in the fruits of the Spirit, giving them wisdom, knowledge and the understanding that leads to the fruit of righteousness in Christ Jesus. This book inspires all to live in peace and be useful for the work of the Kingdom of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is a highly recommended read and it is recommended to read Spirit Power: Volume I first.
The Spirit Power Volume II explains in a simple way the power of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spir...
Cuando atravesamos pruebas y tribulaciones en tiempos dificiles, desilusiones de cualquier tipo y dificultades, debemos orar que Dios el Padre Todopoderoso que envio a Su Hijo Unigenito al mundo nos traiga cosas buenas con Su amor a traves de Su Hijo Jesucristo. Tambien debemos hacer uso del valor y de una fe solida para desear lo mejor del Senor. Cuando nos encontramos desesperados en nuestras situaciones, debemos recurrir inmediatamente a la Palabra de Dios en busca de respuestas y consuelo en las tribulaciones. Debemos encontrar valor para orar hasta que los cielos se abran y Dios responda...
Cuando atravesamos pruebas y tribulaciones en tiempos dificiles, desilusiones de cualquier tipo y dificultades, debemos orar que Dios el Padre Todopod...
Cuando atravesamos pruebas y tribulaciones en tiempos dif ciles, desilusiones de cualquier tipo y dificultades, debemos orar que Dios el Padre Todopoderoso que envi a Su Hijo Unig nito al mundo nos traiga cosas buenas con Su amor a trav s de Su Hijo Jesucristo. Tambi n debemos hacer uso del valor y de una fe s lida para desear lo mejor del Se or. Cuando nos encontramos desesperados en nuestras situaciones, debemos recurrir inmediatamente a la Palabra de Dios en busca de respuestas y consuelo en las tribulaciones. Debemos encontrar valor para orar hasta que los cielos se abran y Dios responda...
Cuando atravesamos pruebas y tribulaciones en tiempos dif ciles, desilusiones de cualquier tipo y dificultades, debemos orar que Dios el Padre Todopod...
In this book, you will find encouragement and a stirring deep in your spirit that will help you press deep into prayer until prayer becomes a part of your daily life. In this book believers will learn the many ways of approaching the throne of Grace and obtaining mercy in all areas of their lives. God gave us the power of prayer; He wants us to use prayer as a daily part of our lives. We must call on Him and communicate with Him in everything we are going through; He is waiting to hear from us. He is our Heavenly Father; no one has ever loved or cared for us like Him. This step-by-step guide...
In this book, you will find encouragement and a stirring deep in your spirit that will help you press deep into prayer until prayer becomes a part of ...
The book The Spirit Power: Volume I explains and teaches about the power of the Holy Spirit from the beginning of all creation. In this book you will learn about the exposition of the Spirit's action in the lives of the people who believe in Jesus Christ and have received the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says: God is a Spirit those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. The Spirit of God dwells inside the believer, guiding and directing them in their daily lives. Come learn, understand and experience God s faithfulness to us through the power of the...
The book The Spirit Power: Volume I explains and teaches about the power of the Holy Spirit from the beginning of all creation. In this book you will ...
The Spirit Power Volume II explains in a simple way the power of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit of God enables a believer to walk in the fruits of the Spirit, giving them wisdom, knowledge and the understanding that leads to the fruit of righteousness in Christ Jesus. This book inspires all to live in peace and be useful for the work of the Kingdom of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is a highly recommended read and it is recommended to read Spirit Power: Volume I first.
The Spirit Power Volume II explains in a simple way the power of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spir...
Come and experience the beauty of the Cross and the sacrifice that Jesus Christ, God s only begotten Son, paid for all of humanity. In The Cross and the Crucifixion, the author sheds light on the work of redemption for all of humanity through the power of the Cross. This work of redemption began in the Garden of Eden. Encouraging and inspiring, this enlightening book will help believers and non-believers alike gain eternal perspective on life and gives keen insight into the work of redemption through the Cross and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Come and embrace the power and the love of Jesus...
Come and experience the beauty of the Cross and the sacrifice that Jesus Christ, God s only begotten Son, paid for all of humanity. In The Cross and t...
Finally, a book that will help people to find a solution to world peace even though many religions are promoting different interpretations of God. Reading this book will enlighten your heart to the three-word solution that can bring change to the peoples and nations of the world. Is it possible for evil to be transformed to good? Can war, civil war, hatred, murder and wickedness be overpowered by love and peace? This book is an eye-opener to all people of the awareness of who God is in the world and in the lives of us all. All the religions of the world believe that there is a God; some...
Finally, a book that will help people to find a solution to world peace even though many religions are promoting different interpretations of God. Rea...