Revealing The Sons Of God is a study of the life of Joseph within the Bible record and its prophetic implications for the future. It examines the last 13 Chapters of Genesis covering this remarkable story in minute detail, and shows how it has been fulfilled in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and also by anointed sons of God, his followers, within this past generation. It is a valuable reference for Christians who want to study deeply the true teachings of the Bible, which writings are the basis of all true faith. It is designed for the layman, and does not require any pre-existing...
Revealing The Sons Of God is a study of the life of Joseph within the Bible record and its prophetic implications for the future. It examines the last...
You Must Worship With Spirit And Truth, is a quick reference for the teachings of the entire Bible. It is divided into a number of sections for studying the key teachings of the Holy Scriptures. It is a detailed and comprehensive primer for anyone wanting to learn all the basic teachings of the Bible. It is non-sectarian and it sticks closely to what the Bible actually teaches, its most important or Key Teachings. It focuses upon the 5,800 verses within the Bible record that are cross-referenced 10 or more times and then collects them into category chapters, like Yehowah God's qualities and...
You Must Worship With Spirit And Truth, is a quick reference for the teachings of the entire Bible. It is divided into a number of sections for studyi...