The Yellow Scarves are threatened when an unknown individual infiltrates their hideout. Just when the Yellow Scarves have their quarry cornered, the Headless Rider, urban legend of Ikebukuro, comes to her rescue. The incident leaves the entire neighborhood unsettled once again, and the resulting turmoil forces Masaomi Kida, leader of the Yellow Scarves, to come face-to-face with the painful past from which he once fled...
The Yellow Scarves are threatened when an unknown individual infiltrates their hideout. Just when the Yellow Scarves have their quarry cornered, the H...
"That's why I'm Here." To face the past and protect the present, Masaomi Kida, leader of the Yellow Scarves, heads to Izaya's apartment. His intention is to discover the true identity of the leader of the Dollars, but what he finds shocks him to his core When the Yellow Scarves, the Dollars, and the followers of Saika all gather in one place, three best friends must confront the greatest challenge to their friendship...
"That's why I'm Here." To face the past and protect the present, Masaomi Kida, leader of the Yellow Scarves, heads to Izaya's apartment. His intent...