The return of migrants from gulf countries has assumed large dimensions in Kerala in the recent years. At present, there are roughly over 1.3 million return emigrants in the state. Migration of workers from Kerala to the gulf countries has received the attractions among the researchers. But only a few studies existed in literature on return migration in Kerala. The important issues connected with return migration, such as the causes of return, socio-economic background of the returnees, the current activity status of the returnees, occupational mobility of the return migrants and the problems...
The return of migrants from gulf countries has assumed large dimensions in Kerala in the recent years. At present, there are roughly over 1.3 million ...
The chronic shortage of labour in Kerala and the resultant higher wage rates received the attention among the workers from other states and they began to move to Kerala in search of work. This has opened a new era of replacement migration to Kerala. This led to the state again become an in-migrating state after a break of about 60 years since the 1960s. Though initially the in-migrants in Kerala were from the neighbouring states like Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh mostly seasonal and short-duration migration, at a later period the state started getting migrants from far distant states. This...
The chronic shortage of labour in Kerala and the resultant higher wage rates received the attention among the workers from other states and they began...