Tom T. Moore's third self-help book is filled with even more truly unique stories from people all over the world who benefit from requesting most benevolent outcomes. This incredibly simple technique puts you back in touch with your guardian angel and can assist you in manifesting your goals.
Learn to request benevolent outcomes for everything in life, from paying the bills and finding good parking spots to battling poor health and staying safe in storms.
Tom T. Moore's third self-help book is filled with even more truly unique stories from people all over the world who benefit from requesting most bene...
I was chosen to be one of twelve grassroots contactees in 2017. Why was I chosen as one of the twelve? You'll read how Antura, my extraterrestrial contact, and I are members of the same soul group, or "cluster" as my angel calls it. Each soul cluster has on average between six and twelve soul fragments. Our soul cluster consists of eight fragments having Earth lives. Naturally, communication would be easier between us. You could compare it to twins who know what each other is thinking.
Antura and I are from that same water planet in the Sirius B star system. I learned that I've had...
I was chosen to be one of twelve grassroots contactees in 2017. Why was I chosen as one of the twelve? You'll read how Antura, my extraterrestrial con...