Das Buch geht aus der Sicht unterschiedlicher Disziplinen, Praxis- und Forschungsprojekte der Frage nach, inwiefern sozialen Ungleichheiten durch die Gestaltung und Erforschung inklusiver Bildungsprozesse und -strukturen begegnet werden kann. Die Zusammenfuhrung formaler, non-formaler und informeller Bildung entfaltet dabei ein Verstandnis von inklusiver Bildung, das auf die Uberwindung der Dominanz formaler Kontexte zugunsten der Aufwertung des starker selbstgestaltenden und partizipativen Potenzials non-formaler und informeller Prozesse abzielt. An dieser Stelle begegnen sich Soziale Arbeit...
Das Buch geht aus der Sicht unterschiedlicher Disziplinen, Praxis- und Forschungsprojekte der Frage nach, inwiefern sozialen Ungleichheiten durch die ...
The challenge of overcoming educational inequality in the United States can sometimes appear overwhelming, and great controversy exists as to whether or not elementary schools are up to the task, whether they can ameliorate existing social inequalities and initiate opportunities for economic and civic flourishing for all children. This book shows what can happen when you rethink schools from the ground up with precisely these goals in mind, approaching educational inequality and its entrenched causes head on, student by student. Drawing on an in-depth study of real schools on the South...
The challenge of overcoming educational inequality in the United States can sometimes appear overwhelming, and great controversy exists as to whether ...
The challenge of overcoming educational inequality in the United States can sometimes appear overwhelming, and great controversy exists as to whether or not elementary schools are up to the task, whether they can ameliorate existing social inequalities and initiate opportunities for economic and civic flourishing for all children. This book shows what can happen when you rethink schools from the ground up with precisely these goals in mind, approaching educational inequality and its entrenched causes head on, student by student. Drawing on an in-depth study of real schools on the South...
The challenge of overcoming educational inequality in the United States can sometimes appear overwhelming, and great controversy exists as to whether ...
This book focuses beyond the bully-victim dyad to highlight how bullying commonly unfolds within a complex system that involves many individuals interacting with one another.
This book focuses beyond the bully-victim dyad to highlight how bullying commonly unfolds within a complex system that involves many individuals inter...