Strong states and strong civil societies are now increasingly hailed as the twin drivers of a rising Africa . Current attempts to support growth and democracy are part of a longer history of promoting projects of disciplinary, regulatory and liberal rule and values beyond the West . Yet this is not simply Western domination of a passive continent. Such an interpretation misses out on the complexities and nuances of the politics of state-building and civil society promotion, and the central role of African agency.
Drawing upon critical theory, including postcolonial and governmentality...
Strong states and strong civil societies are now increasingly hailed as the twin drivers of a rising Africa . Current attempts to support growth an...
The Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP) is world's largest civil society movement fighting against poverty and inequality, incorporating over 100 affiliated country-level coalitions. It has become a significant global actor and its annual days of mobilisation now attract over 175 million people around the world.
This book seeks to explore GCAP's power and its embodiment of emancipatory change. It develops a framework that assesses its external power as an actor by exploring how power works in it, and the relationship between the two. Gabay demonstrates that GCAP,...
The Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP) is world's largest civil society movement fighting against poverty and inequality, incorporating o...
Are civil society organizations in Africa agents of democratization, legitimators of corrupt ruling elites, agents of imperial control, or all of these things and more? Based on nearly five years of engagements with civil society organizations in Malawi, including interviews and broader ethnographic methods, this book presents a contemporary account of civil society activism in a country which provides some intriguing contextual background to these questions. Since Malawi adopted multi-party democracy in 1994 international donors have expended sustained energy on building civil society groups...
Are civil society organizations in Africa agents of democratization, legitimators of corrupt ruling elites, agents of imperial control, or all of thes...