Does being a -cat person -or a -dog person- (or neither or both) reveal your true personality? There's a body of research that says it does, and suggests that we're probably giving the question short shrift when we're scouting out prospective dates or deciding whom to marry; hiring an employee or a nanny; choosing a therapist, dentist or lawyer; or meeting someone new. It's obvious that canines and felines are different in many ways: Owing a dog is a nature and social experience, thanks to the need to walk them. A cute dog especially a puppy or one with an expressive face or impressive ears...
Does being a -cat person -or a -dog person- (or neither or both) reveal your true personality? There's a body of research that says it does, and sugge...
It's often said that the last thing you need to worry about when in a survival situation is what you're going to eat. The human body is highly resilient, and can go without food for longer than you think. On the other hand, shelter and water are pretty much non-negotiable in order to survive. However, it is possible to familiarize yourself with edible wild plants before you get into a survival situation, in which case you'll have a good idea of which wild plants you can eat if necessary. In addition, once you learn to identify some of these common edible wild plants, you might be able to add...
It's often said that the last thing you need to worry about when in a survival situation is what you're going to eat. The human body is highly resilie...
Gardening offers you the opportunity to grow flowers of your choice as well as your own food which is healthier, tastier and fresher than the food available at your local groceries. For one, you get the opportunity to eradicate pesticides and herbicides from your produce, which have dire effects on your health and the environment. Secondly, you cut down on expenditure on groceries. What is even more interesting is that you can make some extra income by selling your surplus produce to your friends and neighbours. However, when you have limited space for gardening, you might feel like you are...
Gardening offers you the opportunity to grow flowers of your choice as well as your own food which is healthier, tastier and fresher than the food ava...