Three years after Josie's mother died, no one expects her to telephone from a bus station in North Dakota. This comic study of love and letting go gives a look at the disparity between what you expect and what is delivered. "WHEN THE MESSENGER IS HOT is very, very hot. MESSENGER is pure magic ... Eason's richly inspired, cleverly envisioned adaptation ... This 85-minute piece careens brilliantly between comedy and heartbreak ... The impact of this play is as intense as it is wholly enchanting. It is a fairy tale for our time." -Chicago Sun-Times "Laura Eason's slick, shrewd and savvy...
Three years after Josie's mother died, no one expects her to telephone from a bus station in North Dakota. This comic study of love and letting go giv...
Set in a dystopic future, in a culture of fear, where the trees are being stripped and burned and ashes rain from the sky, a family deals with the aftermath of a woman being swallowed by the sea. With the proper I D card, safety is right next door. But if not in this life, then in the next.
Set in a dystopic future, in a culture of fear, where the trees are being stripped and burned and ashes rain from the sky, a family deals with the ...