This satirical novel by Garrett R. Hall addresses the intended and unintended effects of liberalism. It serves as an allegory of how liberal thinking - though often well-intended - has serious consequences.
Andrew - a self-proclaimed liberal - seeks refuge in the wilderness after Democrats suffer a devastating political defeat. He settles in a beautiful, isolated valley and strives to become one with nature. In time, Andrew identifies a series of "injustices" in nature and, applying his deep-seated liberal ideology, devotes all his energy to bringing fairness and equality to the natural...
This satirical novel by Garrett R. Hall addresses the intended and unintended effects of liberalism. It serves as an allegory of how liberal thinki...
Barack Obama captured the world's attention in 2008 when he came out of nowhere to become President of the United States. Still, little is known about the mind of this enigmatic man. Even after four years, plenty of speeches and two campaigns, we haven't known what he really thinks about. This book offers a compelling and revealing look into the thoughts and desires of the man once known as "Barry." Aside from his desire to "fundamentally transform America," what drives him? What does he think about? Find out in this penetrating expose. Obama fans and Obama foes will benefit equally from...
Barack Obama captured the world's attention in 2008 when he came out of nowhere to become President of the United States. Still, little is known about...