The rapid expansion of synthetic biology is due to the design and construction of synthetic gene networks that have opened many new avenues in fundamental and applied research. Synthetic Gene Networks: Methods and Protocols provides the necessary information to design and construct synthetic gene networks in different host backgrounds. Divided into four convenient sections, this volume focuses on design concepts to devise synthetic gene networks and how mathematical models can be applied to the predictable engineering of desired network features. The volume continues by highlighting the...
The rapid expansion of synthetic biology is due to the design and construction of synthetic gene networks that have opened many new avenues in fundame...
This book shows how to design and build synthetic gene networks in different host backgrounds. Coverage includes concepts for devising synthetic gene networks and application of mathematical models to the predictable engineering of desired network features.
This book shows how to design and build synthetic gene networks in different host backgrounds. Coverage includes concepts for devising synthetic gene ...
Le banquier le plus puissant du monde est assassine a Lyon quelques jours apres l'annonce de la decouverte, dans cette meme ville, d'une molecule rendant les pesticides inoffensifs pour la sante humaine. Le lieutenant Julie Jacobs, decidee a demeler cet imbroglio va, pour l'occasion, renouer avec son passe et sa famille. Elle s'etonne aupres de son pere: Permets-moi de m'interroger sur le fait que mon mari disparaisse, apres une etude que tu as mandatee, et ce, le jour ou ton pote de fac est assassine a Lyon, ville qui, soit dit en passant, n'etait pas inscrite sur son plan de voyage. Tu...
Le banquier le plus puissant du monde est assassine a Lyon quelques jours apres l'annonce de la decouverte, dans cette meme ville, d'une molecule rend...