"Beauty Without Injections" is the five F.A.C.E.S. program about the health of the face. A healthy face retains its natural looks for many more years than an unhealthy face. Why is it when we notice our bodies aging we head for the gym and change our diets: yet when our faces start aging we don't realize there is a " vital first step" and instead we go to the cosmetic counter, creams, Botox, fillers and surgery. There are many mammoth business conglomerates who don't want you knowing the FIVE F.A.C.E.S. program. The average woman puts 17 known carcinogens on her skin daily: From the creams...
"Beauty Without Injections" is the five F.A.C.E.S. program about the health of the face. A healthy face retains its natural looks for many more years ...