Two travelers, three time periods, a princess and a cop. From the fall of Rome to the advent of artificial intelligence, an ancient road between East and West remains... Mahzun comes from west of Samerkand, Jamuk from the eastern frontiers of Central Asia. Once a year they meet along the Silk Road to continue a family tradition sharing food, stories, and the latest ideas. In act one (550CE) a beautiful Eastern Princess smuggles the secret of silk from China to Rome. Act two (1280CE) takes place on the eve of Mongol power in Central Asia, and a lesson in binary math accompanies an...
Two travelers, three time periods, a princess and a cop. From the fall of Rome to the advent of artificial intelligence, an ancient road between East ...
A manifesto and guidebook revealing the secrets of the real wizards of history to empower the world changers of today. The author examines the stories of wizards both from legend--Merlyn, Gandalf, The Wizard of Oz, etc.--but also many true wizards from history, including da Vinci, Einstein, Gandhi and more recent examples inlcuding Even Ensler, Jeff McBride and Steve Jobs. He concludes that these unusually effective human change agents share certain common traits. Traits that are not taught in our schools, but can be learned by anyone willing to seek the necessary experiences and embrace the...
A manifesto and guidebook revealing the secrets of the real wizards of history to empower the world changers of today. The author examines the stories...