On a brilliant summer morning in the last quarter of the seventeenth century a small troop of horsemen crossed the ford of the river Cairn, in Dumfriesshire, not far from the spot where stands the little church of Irongray, and, gaining the road on the western bank of the stream, wended their way towards the moors and uplands which lie in the neighbourhood of Skeoch Hill.
On a brilliant summer morning in the last quarter of the seventeenth century a small troop of horsemen crossed the ford of the river Cairn, in Dumfrie...
Reader, -I take for granted that you are tolerably well acquainted with the different modes of life and travelling peculiar to European nations. I also presume that you know something of the inhabitants of the East; and, it may be, a good deal of the Americans in general. But I suspect-at least I would fain hope-that you have only a vague and indefinite knowledge of life in those wild, uncivilised regions of the northern continent of America that surround the shores of Hudson Bay. I would fain hope this, I say, that I may have the satisfaction of giving you information on the subject, and of...
Reader, -I take for granted that you are tolerably well acquainted with the different modes of life and travelling peculiar to European nations. I als...
The remarkable-I might even say amazing-personal adventures which I am about to relate occurred quite recently. They are so full of interest to myself and to my old mother, that I hasten to write them down while yet vivid and fresh in my memory, in the hope that they may prove interesting, -to say nothing of elevating and instructive-to the English-speaking portions of the human race throughout the world
The remarkable-I might even say amazing-personal adventures which I am about to relate occurred quite recently. They are so full of interest to myself...
We trust, good reader, that it will not cause you a feeling of disappointment to be told that the name of our hero is Brown-Tom Brown. It is important at the beginning of any matter that those concerned should clearly understand their position, therefore we have thought fit, even at the risk of throwing a wet blanket over you, to commence this tale on one of the most romantic of subjects by stating-and now repeating that our hero was a member of the large and (supposed to be) unromantic family of "the Browns."
We trust, good reader, that it will not cause you a feeling of disappointment to be told that the name of our hero is Brown-Tom Brown. It is important...
The problem of colonisation in the north-western portion of British America is fast working itself out. The same destiny which pushed forward Anglo-Saxon energy and intelligence into the rich plains of Mexico, and which has peopled Australia, is now turning the current of emigration to another of the "waste-places of the earth."
The problem of colonisation in the north-western portion of British America is fast working itself out. The same destiny which pushed forward Anglo-Sa...
Robert Michael Ballantyne R. M. Ballantyne 1st World Publishing
Purchase one of 1st World Librarys Classic Books and help support our free internet library of downloadable eBooks. Visit us online at www.1stWorldLibrary.ORG - - ~~~~~~Roving has always been, and still is, my ruling passion, the joy of my heart, the very sunshine of my existence. In childhood, in boyhood, and in mans estate, I have been a rover; not a mere rambler among the woody glens and upon the hilltops of my own n
Purchase one of 1st World Librarys Classic Books and help support our free internet library of downloadable eBooks. Visit us online at www.1stWorldLib...
The story is set around Nelson's Mediterranean chase culminating in the Battle of the Nile and recounts tales of the life of a British seaman, Bill Bowls, along with incidents involving his friends Ben Bolter and Tom Riggles
The story is set around Nelson's Mediterranean chase culminating in the Battle of the Nile and recounts tales of the life of a British seaman, Bill Bo...